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Give yourself a break. Healing is messy!
November 5, 2022 at 3:00 PM
I took this picture as my friend and I were looking at a sunset.

Why do the bravest souls have the toughest battles to fight? Well, because their light is bright enough to cut through any darkness. If you have packed your metaphorical bags and set off on your spiritual journey of self-discovery in this lifetime, you are one of these souls. You are the witch, the warrior, the wise one. I know that because we resonate with the vibration we are transmitting. You wouldn’t be drawn to read this if you weren’t. You have woken up and seen through the veil of illusion. You know that we are so much more than bodies and minds. We are souls, here on a mission to heal each other. How do we do that? Through love and understanding. Your light shines on the shadows and makes them disappear. You transmute pain into love. That’s why you may have tougher battles to fight. You’re not here to breeze through life, oblivious to what is going on around you. You are here to inspire. You are here to lead. You are here to show others the way.


You can’t go back to being numb. You feel every energy shift in a room, and within yourself. When your spouse is exhausted, you feel it too. With the full moon, your energy body is shaken and stirred until you release what no longer serves you. Sometimes you forget that this is how things are now. You wonder why you felt heavy and noticed painful unconscious patterns come up. It is only after you peel another layer of the onion, and reach a new understanding of yourself that you remember. When the new moon approaches, asking for your wish, you remember it comes in cycles. Day after day, month after month, year after year. Releasing and healing. Learning and growing. ‘Ahh… yes!’ you think to yourself. I remember why this feels hard. I’m awake now. I chose to heal these patterns, no matter how painful they were.

The thing is, you can’t stop learning now. You can’t go back to not knowing. You can’t stop growing. Your consciousness won’t stop expanding. There is no going back, once you reach self-awareness. Would you want to go back? I certainly don’t. I see how it may seem like being numb to the pain and suffering around you might feel easier, but then you would be numb to your own pain and suffering too. Furthermore, you would be numb to joy, and gratitude, and universal love. Count yourself lucky. You’re embodying what it means to be alive. You have discovered your power.


I see more and more of us every day. The more I seek like-minded souls, the more I find them. I packed my fears in my metaphorical backpack and started on my spiritual journey five years ago. I decided that enough was enough, I needed to sort my life out. I was suffering from anxiety and depression, but I discovered that I did not have to suffer. No. I just had to wake up. I am an empath. I am a light worker. But I hadn’t woken up yet and because of this, I had no idea that I was taking on the energies of those around me. Now, I am a Reiki Master, but I know that this does not mean I have mastered life. I got out of my own way and tapped into my psychic gifts, sure. I accept that I am a light worker and I am here to help others see their own light, sure. But we are all here to learn from each other. Sometimes my clients teach me as much as I teach them. So I try to give myself a break whenever I feel like I shouldn’t be struggling, just because I’m a Reiki Master.

One of the biggest lessons I have learned over the past few years is that it doesn’t matter how long you have been on this journey, and it doesn’t matter what your gift is. You will never be perfect. You’re not supposed to be. You will never know everything. You definitely will have a bad day again. You definitely will fall off the wagon and succumb to your subconscious patterns again. There will be moments where you forget everything you have learned and see yourself falling into hard times. Those are the moments that matter the most, dear friends. Those darkest moments are where your light needs to shine brightest. Sometimes we need to fall off the horse so that we can look around and make sure we know where we are going before we get back on. Those darkest moments are the keys to enlightenment. Whenever the heaviness comes, just know that you are in the process of shedding it all. You will be lighter soon. Just like the moon, we complete our cycles. Shedding and shifting… growing and expanding. Your light exists to fight the darkness. If there was no darkness to fight, then you wouldn’t shine so bright.


You may be spreading your light through energy healing and writing like me, or a million other ways. Regardless, we are all on this journey together. The moment that you judge yourself for feeling like it is tough, you are causing unnecessary suffering. I encourage you to take a moment now to look back on how far you have come. Envision a white light surrounding you, soothing your energy field and filling your chakras with life force energy. You’ve got this. You came to shine your light, and you are doing just that. Don’t forget to protect yourself too. Wrap that bubble of white light around you whenever you need it. Spread your light as far and wide as you can, but not to your detriment. It is for you to enjoy first and foremost. So enjoy it.

You are already doing amazing work just by awakening to yourself and your gifts. You are helping to raise the collective consciousness. It was never going to be easy. It was always going to be your purpose. So, be kind to yourself. Be grateful for your gift. Go gently throughout your day. Tread lightly through this messy jungle, beautiful soul. There is so much beauty within the weeds. Let it be messy. Let it be hard. Lead the way to full acceptance.

And whatever you do, don’t forget to….